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Short Numbers
1xx/1xxx Numbers

Short numbers are 1xx/1xxx numbers that you can advertise for people to call your company. 

Calls made to Short Numbers are routed to the pre- programmed regular destination number. This makes short numbers particularly useful for businesses operating as a frequent and heavy recipient of phone calls.
N.B: the caller ID of the company is shown as 8 digits in outgoing calls  only not 4 or 3 digits.
  • 3-digit = (1xx) 100, 120, 139.
  • 4-digit = (1xxx) 1717, 1800,
Short Number pricing involves two main prices: a Connection Fee of 6,000,000 LL to be payed once, and a monthly fee of 750,000 LL (both these fees are subject to VAT)

Note: Only businesses that have subscribed to E1PRI or at least 30 Regular Telephone Lines (same location & same company) can subscribe to Short Numbers (Also called marketing numbers)
To use short numbers service, contact